My main content is reported here, together with its status.
Blue stuff is final. It has been well tested, and enjoyed by a significant amount of people. Not a guarantee you would enjoy it of course but there are good chances you will. No changes will happen. Can be played online or printed, at home or professionally.
Green stuff has been well tested and is almost final. There will likely be a few changes in the near future, but should provide an excellent player experience. Can be played online without doubt, and printed at home. Would wait for the final version to print professionally.
Orange stuff is still under test, but should be enjoyable. At least I am enjoying it. It will likely be adjusted in the next weeks/months, but should provide a good playing experience.
Red stuff is thing still under development and with which I am not fully satisfied. I would love people to try them and give me feedback on discord. Do not expect a streamlined experience as from the other options. It should play OK, though. It has been tested tens of times to be there. It's just still not at a level I'm happy with.
For any comment/question, come find me on
All the material on this server has been created (almost) automatically by a python script. This script reads the PSD files (which must be based on the Hitch templates, or translated from them), parses them, and produces automatically a TTS bag, Octgn, DragnCards and CardTable files, some PnP PDFs, and a json file with the contents of the card (that may at some point be used in a database).
It is still in development, in beta version, and available to anyone interested. If you use it, please drop me a line on discord and report any issue you are encountering (there will very likely be, probably minor ones, and no worry, nothing will happen to your PSD files, they are just open in reading mode and all the output is written in an xb directory).
In addition of this website, my material is also available for TTS on a TTS workshop and on my Google Drive.